e-ISSN 2450-8381 | p-ISSN 2450-8381
“Klio Polska” (Polish Clio) is the only periodical in Poland dedicated to the history of Polish historiography. It publishes studies, reviews and source materials on this subject in the broadest possible chronological range: from the Middle Ages to the present day. Since 2015, it has been published annually by the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It is a continuation of the six-volume series “Klio Polska. Studia i materiały z dziejów historiografii polskiej po II wojnie światowej” (Polish Clio. Studies and materials on the history of Polish historiography after WWII) that appeared between 2004 and 2012.
In recent years, the Journal Klio Polska participated in the programme ‘Support for Scientific Journals’ of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Points awarded for publication in Klio Polska: 40 points.
Scholarly disciplines assigned by the Ministry of Education and Science: history.
Publication languages: Polish, English, Russian.
The digital version is the reference version for this Journal.